Sunday, October 14, 2007

San Francisco


San Francisco. It was when I visited this city on the 13th of September that I got my first (true)glimpse of AMERICA. My room was on the 11th floor of Grosvenor suites. I walked into the room and pushed the curtains behind and LO BEHOLD! The sparkling, sterling, scintillating skyline of San Francisco loomed before me. I could even hear the background music in my mind. The chimes and the piano! Oh! It was larger than life! I stood before it for long. The enormity of it slowly sinking in! Who says you easily tire of manmade cities but never of nature?? I will never tire of this city’s skyline. It will strike me as awesome every time I look at it. The symmetry, the perfect finish, the flawless design, the engineering marvel behind every brick that was laid, the strength of those foundations that support their weight, those men who envisioned these colossal structures, the perseverance, persistence and persuasion that must have gone into the completion of such initiatives……every building has pride and dignity….standing tall, defying gravity….. against the winds and in spite of the rains……their glitter and shimmer redefining beauty………..long live mankind that created the impossible! Long live it’s tenacity…………….

The pictures will speak for themselves…………………………..

Also visit San Francisco for more pictures in their original size.............


Anonymous said...

Very True...This city is perfect blend of the bygone era and the present world. It has a warmth which slowly creeps into your skin and very soon you are one of them....I loved the Castro streets, other nearby areas of roadside malls and shopping and having some chineese food in fisherman's wharf was icing in the cake....

Sowmya Chakravarthy said...

Welcome to this blog. And thanks for the comment.
I become so nostalgic when I see a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. It leaves me with an ache... :)