Sanjay Dutt
A person who shook hands with Dawood Ibrahim, one of India’s most wanted underworld criminals.
Helped him to sneak in weapons to strike at this country, to explode bombs that killed and injured hundreds of innocents.
For months and perhaps years, the police, the CBI and other special forces had to labour away to figure out the who, what, why, when and how of this conspiracy.
According to some of the reports, Sanjay Dutt, seeing the police catching up with him and his partner in crime, set up a forge in his house, had the weapons melted and turned into a ball and plunged it in a well.
The police and other forces hunted him down, for all his cunning, and meted out justice. He evaded the jail for years but the longs arms of laws clutched him at last.
For what joy?
He has come to be seen as some kind of a freedom fighter and the police, villains.
“Bollywood is shocked to hear the verdict and expressed their solidarity on the social media”
Really? Bollywood’s a bloody joker villain.
@PritishNandy (on Twitter)
“I will be very sad to see Sanjay Dutt go back to jail... where I used to meet him years ago. A second term will destroy the man”
The argument goes, even among common people, that he is ‘a transformed man’.
He didn’t have much of a choice left, after getting caught and then onwards, being under constant police vigilance, did he?
Kasab confessed too that he had realized his wrong and that Allah would never forgive him for what he had done.
We should have let him go too. Why did we hang the poor fellow? It totally destroyed him, didn’t it?
What a people we are!
Not only did people make a mockery of the police by continuing to watch Sanjay Dutt’s movies, helping him not just survive but thrive, they also made villains of the police by sympathizing with him when they got him at last, after years of toil.
Why are the police wasting their time and risking their lives for us?
Why don’t they tell us to go to hell when we complain about them not doing their job? Because when they do their job, we completely defeat their purpose.
It is so true, the law of the universe, that, people always get what they deserve.
The crimes too.
Here is the picture of the aftermath of Sanjay Dutt's bomb - found it on FB - haven't verified it - As a 'fact', it may or may not be accurate but it is the 'truth', no doubt.

Sowmya... this is the possibly the first time I'm in total agreement with your views on a subject. Very well written. I am an admirer of Sanjay Dutt's screen presence & his acing skills but I agree it's ridiculous to ignore his crime & ask for a pardon.
Please ignore the 'the' before 'possibly' in my last comment... Cheers :)
You are absolutely accurate in your analysis. How much more ridiculous and obnoxious can this whole issue get ? It would have been much more bearable if only his so called "fans" made a ballyhoo about his sentencing. But to actually see people with higher intellectual abilities ( of course not referring to Bollywood ) take his side and seek pardon on humanitarian grounds is absolutely horrifying. Very well written article Sowmya!
Thank you all for your visit and your comments... keep visiting :-)
at last........ :)
at last...a welcome message..... :)
I have no clue who you are. There are 2 or 3 anon commentors that visit me.
One of them happens to be a stalker from a matrimonial site - a creepy cheap character who stole my facebook pictures and attempted to embezzle (steal) a marble statue from my father's house using blackmail and such tricks...
You may want to leave your identity here so you are not mistaken to be someone else... :)
now tatz something I'd like to read....the creepy, cheap character from the matrimony site :)
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